Avokat Feti Tunuzliu

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Avokat Feti Tunuzliu
Tringë Ismajli 1 Priština
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Avokat Feti Tunuzliu

Tringë Ismajli 1 Priština Kosovo
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June 27, 2012Duri

od 5 zvezdica
Ocenio: Martin - 2015-11-26 21:36:09

June 27, 2012During six decades of wolriwdde ministry, Dr. Billy Graham spoke of God's judgment and mercy. Modern America now openly defies God's Law and is experiencing the pangs of His judgment. The Scripture record and our own history hold out hope for God-sent revival, awakening, and reformation, but time is short. Graham writes:God still judges nations for their sins just as He still judges individuals. The Bible is clear: You may be sure that your sin will find you out (Numbers 32:23) God hasn't changed over the centuries; He is holy and pure, and whenever we scorn Him, we run the risk of incurring His judgment. Sin is an offense to Him sin is a deliberate denial of God and His will for our lives. When we sin, we deliberately turn our backs on God and say our way is better than His. But we are wrong and eventually we will pay the price. The Bible warns that the wages of sin is death (Romans 6:23).The same is true of a nation that rejects God. When ancient Israel turned against God, the prophets warned that God's judgment would eventually come upon them and it did. But God also warned that the surrounding nations would be judged too because they had no regard for God and they were. Sometimes it happens in one great catastrophe; sometimes it happens in a series of smaller disasters and defeats. But it happens.How long can a nation scorn God before He brings judgment upon them? Only God knows the answer but His patience has its limits. Pray for our nation, that God will bring us back to Himself before it is too late and let it begin with you, as you turn to Christ in repentance and faith (Billy Graham Evangelistic Assn).[T]here is always hope because God is concerned about these things even more than we are, and He has the power to drive us to our knees and change our hearts if we will seek Him [T]he greatest spiritual revivals in the past occurred just when the situation seemed to be the darkest (BGEA).

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