Woolf: I don't necessarily think they were 'the good old days', just dfiefrent. And yes, these photos of Plath are also in the unabridged version of her journals.Heather: me too, I love it when books 'talk'.Monika: I'm so glad to hear it arrived safely, thanks for letting me know - and of course, thanks for buying it!twinklingeyes: thanks :)Krista: I guess I just feel overwhelmed sometimes with the amount of images I see.Jen: you've described it well - I do feel lazy looking at pretty images lately, but older photographs, where the purpose and intent of the image isn't so clearly laid out, compel a less lazy response from me.Gracia: This poem is just full of surprising images, which to me are just as evocative as staring at photographs.Denise: In my case, it will most probably be the last books, not book - I rarely read one book alone.