I could easily agree with the bleoggr regarding the name of the square. Fortunately, he wrote the wrong information! The place in front of the Technical faculties OFFICIALY IS NOT CALLED NIKOLA TESLA SQUARE!! It NEVER WAS, since that was only a suggestion of professor Dali Đonlagić, who was a Dean of the faculty approx. 12 years ago. This suggestion has been discussed by city's authorities and could be accepted under condition to renovate the place in front of the faculty and to construct un underground garage. The project has been stoped because of financial reasons -public tender in order to find investors has never taken place! However, I could agree with bleoggr, that the place, even if renovate, most probably is not the right solution (although there is the Faculty of technical sciences), because of quite unpleasant look of surrounded buildings. Nikola Tesla deserves better. There will be new proposals quite soon.I have to say that there are also some other information in this blog, which are totally incorrect! It is interesting that rather often, people who never read even one book or really good biography of Tesla, are the biggest expert of him. Usualy they disseminate information created or received behind some bar counter. If not so, they would know that Tesla had a very short drinking period only in Graz (to prove to some fellow students that he can be better then they are, not only in studies, but also in drinking and gambling - playing cards, chess and billiard). Shortly after that, he stopped to drink, but he continued to play cards and billiards, which was the greatest pleasure to him. Nikola Tesla officially wasn't electrical engineer, cause he never finished his studies in Graz and Prague, but he has received later eleven (11) honorary Doctorates, granted to him by different Universities in Europe in 20. century.He has not been in Maribor for a year, but for max. 5 - 6 month, between October 1878 until March 24. 1879!During his staying, he MAINLY WORKED (it was in fact his first job) quite a lot and he had a salary of 60 Forints, which was above average payment for that period of time in Marburg! He managed to save quite a big sum of money, which allows him to continue (in 1880) his studies in Prague. Only in his spare time, he played cards and billiard in different cafes in Marburg. During his cards playing, he was, rather often, used to tell to people around him his plans and his visions concerning the use of alternates currents in future. In his mind "laboratory", he continued to intensively think and search for a solution of rotating magnetic field, which later, in February of 1882, in Budapest, finally occurred to him. At all times he avoided women in Marburg as well.It is true, that he suffered a nervous breakdown a couple of times in his life, but not in Maribor. That is totally wrong information. In couple of the best biographies of him, which describes his European part of live, such information can not be found. It is all talks without any bases. Since, for some reason, he didn't want to report and to register his stay in Maribor, he has not had a residing permit. Therefore, his illegal residing in Maribor, was quite unpleasant for him cause he had to break all contacts with all colleagues in Graz, as well as with his entire family. In this sense, Maribor episode, especially after meeting wis his father at the begging of March 1879, was quite a groundbreaking period for him. After he has been reported (most probably by some angry card looser)to police, he was deported from Maribor to Gospić only for that reason. Otherwise, he had more than enough money to support him self alone.So, if there is any mass or confusion, it wasn't so much in Tesla's head, but in the story above, which is quite twisted around. I hope, this writing will bring some light on the truth about Nikola Tesla in Maribor.