, the people with the hihgset IQ are the ones that really influence what direction a society goes in.What I observe at the better state schools these days is that a very large percentage of the high IQ white gentiles seem to choose fields of study that are fun and exciting, but that do not lead to safe steady high incomes. To put a finer point on it, high IQ white gentiles are not going in to things that actually enhance the GDP of America, but rather in to "fluff"Steve, as for myself, I set myself on a path in college to make the most money possible. Some years I earn a high six figure income and other years I earn a very low seven figure income by owning a number of value creating small companies. I am a capitalist at heart. Thanks to your blog and other blogs that discuss HBD I understand that most of the reason for my business success and high income is the fact that i was born with a very high IQ and born with a high level of motivation.Anyway, as a capitalist I compete with other hard working super high IQ ambitious people. It hurts me personally to have an extra ten million super high IQ ambitious people from Korea move to the USA because they will compete head on with my businesses and drive down my profits. On the other hand, it benefits me massively to have an extra ten million people from Nicaragua move to the USA since the people from Nicaragua generally don't have the IQ to successfully start businesses and compete with me. Ten million people from Nicaragua simply create customers for my businesses and drive down wages for the low IQ workers that I hire. So if all i cared about was my own selfish interests, and my own intense desire to make more money to provide a good standard of living to my children and grandchildren, i would be in favor of ten million incremental low IQ people moving to the USA and against ten million incremental high IQ people moving to the USA.However, My patriotism and altruism and nationalism and CITIZENISM leads me to want the USA to be the richest and strongest nation, with the hihgset per capita income and with a relatively more even wealth distribution. Along those lines, I want massive massive immigration of high IQ people from Korea to the USA. steve, I think if you look at the data you will see that super high IQ people from Korea COMPETE with the high paid people already in the usa like investment bankers and business owners. Super high IQ immigrants from Korea help every single person in the USA have a better standard of living EXCEPT FOR HIGH EARNERS LIKE ME. HIGH EARNERS LIKE ME SEE LOWER INCOMES DUE TO IMMIGRATION OF HIGH IQ PEOPLE FROM KOREAIf you look at the college majors of people who are super high IQ immigrants from Korea what you see is lots of engineering and other things that actually add value and help build America and keep America strong. A very high percentage of the Koreans go on to found businesses and pay very high taxes. On the other hand, if you look at high IQ white gentiles you see lots of them going in to working for nonprofits, becoming lawyers, trying to get in to the media industry, trying to become "sports agents" and generally doing things that are cool and high status but that don't really contribute to the us economy. So my point is that a high IQ gentile born in America will go to college and select relatively easy courses and just not learn a lot and not contribute a lot to our nation while on the other hand a high IQ person of Korean ancestry will select the major that will make him or her the most money on average which means hard majors that really contribute to the success of our nation.